
Ríg hÉrenn iar creitim (Míniugud king-list)

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Manuscript witnesses

Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 512/III (ff. 75B-100, 37-44) 
context: Lebor gabála Érenn (Míniugud)   incl. Ríg hÉrenn iar creitim (Míniugud king-list)   Concludes with a king-list headed Rig hErenn iar creitim, listing kings from Loegaire to Ruaidri Ua Conchobair with their regnal years (ff. 97rba.19-37, 97rbb.19-37, and 97vaa.l-19), which is discussed by Scowcroft (1987): 132-133.
in section: f. 97ra.1–f. 97va.13
